Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Medium is the Message is the Medium

After reading the article by Marshall McLuhan's "The Medium is the Message is the Medium", I am not going to lie, it left me perplexed, foggy on the meaning. In order to understand the concept further I started to do research and I found two points. One point " the medium through which a message is experienced shapes the user's perception". The second was that " a medium can be a the message itself if it is delivering content that would otherwise be impossible to access."
I realized (my aha moment) that if we were to use the computer to access different information and at the same time used an iPad, tablet, phone etc..each device would give us a different means of accessing the same information, and different perceptions. Without computers, iPad, and tablets there would be no need for the internet. It is a matter of everything going full circle.

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