Friday, April 17, 2015

48 Hours Technology Free

This is how I felt for 48 hours!!

I started my fast and unplugged on a Wednesday afternoon and plugged back in on Friday when I went to work on graveyard. I have disconnected my Facebook before on my own and once for a class, that was nothing compared to this assignment.
I really struggled, I only watch Netflix, Amazon Prime, Vudu, and Hulu. The first night I kinda just stared off into space trying to decide what to do! I gave my phone away so I was not tempted to use it, unplugged my smart T.V, and put away all my devices (laptop, tablet etc.)! My daughter had strict instruction not to show me the numerous post and funny YouTube clips that she received for the next two day (very hard for her).
First off I use my phone for an alarm and my clock so I felt lost and a little anxiety ridden on if I would wake up on time or that others would  forget to wake me. I continuously checked in a panic out of reflex for my phone only to realize I had given it away for two days.
I did get a lot of reading done for my homework, but realized that I don't have anything good to read besides textbooks during the semester. I could not believe how much time the internet takes up my day in one way or another. It was the longest two days. I know I sound like a whiner, but I don't think I could disconnect again. My kids are all grown and I really had nothing to do, I found myself being really bored, a lot. I did not find it refreshing at all!!
I also found that my family did not interact with each other at all, so trying to have conversations with them was almost impossible. Everyone was on a device but me!
I did go for a drive, and sat out on my porch a lot. Really, really nothing exciting.
When Friday rolled around, I was like an addict who hadn't had a fix in months, it was almost overwhelming how much I tried to do in a short amount of time. I went through all my accounts and messages. This assignment was an eye opener, but not why you would think, I realized. I need to get a life!!!

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